New Yankee Workshop Episode 2117

In this episode (originally aired in 1998), building a library ladder, Norm used the following tools:

Items in bold represent the first appearance of that particular tool.

The safety speech included video of a crosscut operation on the radial arm saw.

Norm added an advisory about long sleeves.

The grinder link is to a Delta unit used in later episodes. The one in this episode was just a non-descript shop dinosaur of undetermined heritage.

Field trip was to a private home in Lexington, Massachusetts. Given that a green house was visible in the background and that I speculated that it was Morash's when Episodes 911 & 912 (the Green House—also 2111 & 2112 in the 2009 season) were filmed, it's a fair bet that this was Morash's home, too.

New material for this project filmed on 16 July 2008.

This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 28 April 2007