New Yankee Workshop Episode 1903

In this episode, building an Old Pine Sink, Norm used the following tools:

Items in bold represent the first appearance of that particular tool.

The Lamello biscuit joiner and Bosch jigsaw are still MIA after the B&D takeover, but it sure was nice to see the Senco SLP20 back in action. Maybe there's hope for the others.

I'm more than a little amused that while the aforementioned Bosch and Lamello are in apparent exile, Norm brought out the Lamello Dosicol glue bottle which has seen infrequent use of late.

The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (wide board).

Field trip to Robert E. Lee's home, Arlington House, Arlingtion, Virginia.

Project filmed 19, 20, 21 April 2006.

This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 10 April 2007