New Yankee Workshop Episode 2113

In this episode (originally aired in 1997), building a fireplace mantle, Norm used the following tools:

Items in bold represent the first appearance of that particular tool.

Oops. A reexamination of the episode (in the 2113 version) revealed that the drill Norm used at his house was a Makita—probably the 6095 but it could have been a 6019 as used a few times in the first season. Much like the Senco SFN2 finish nailer that showed up in the Library System (Episode 1713) project, this was no doubt from Norm’s personal inventory. Please be kind and remember that the original episode available to me was a VHS tape of an HGTV broadcast. The drill was pretty obscure.

This episode represents the final appearance of the T-31 brad nailer and Bostiches in general. Norm introduced us to pneumatic fastening with them, and the T-31 used is also probably from his own collection.

Three! brad nailers in this project—especially noteworthy since the T-31 had essentially been retired for nearly a year and a half.

Norm gave a good demonstration of coping molding for inside corners.

The try square was in view and clearly had been used, but it wasn't actually demonstrated in this episode.

The safety speech included video of a crosscut operation on the radial arm saw—oblique view.

Field trip was to Norm's house in Massachusetts.

New material for this project filmed on 16 July 2008.

This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 27 April 2007