New Yankee Workshop Episode 1804

In this episode, building a poker table, Norm used the following tools:

Norm must have set a world’s record with the number of spring clamps he used in this project. I didn’t know he had so many. And apparently there’s no such thing as too many band clamps, either..

Also, notice the new Quick Grip hand clamps in the Irwin blue livery (some long time Quick Grips are now in view in the new Irwin livery, too).

The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (wide board).

The credits were run over video of the followup poker game instead of the view of the west elevation of the shop.

Although the bulk of the hardwood used was mahogany, and Norm generally followed the finishing formula he’s used on mahogany before—oil stain, filler, shellac, gel stain, poly—for some reason, he left out the filler step this time.

Field trip to neighborhood poker game somewhere in Massachusetts. Mention was made of a background trip to The Little White House in Key West which was visited once in a This Old House project and which contains a poker table built for Harry Truman by sailors from nearby Boca Chica naval base.

Project filmed 17 and 19 May 2005.


Last updated: 23 November 2013